Fall Asleep Faster

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  • No Screens Before Bed: The bright light from your phone or tablet shining right in your eyes trick your brain into working in daylight mode. Shut off the screen well before you go to bed for a better nights sleep.
  • Nap Between 1PM and 3PM (not on workdays-LOL!): For most people, your circadian rhythm creates a daily, mid-afternoon drowsiness. That’s the perfect time to take a quick nap if you can. Set your phone’s alarm and doze for 20 minutes and wake up ready to go.
  • Feet Regulate Temperature: Your feet and hands affect your whole body’s temperature as blood flows through them. Put on socks to warm up or stick bare feet out from under the covers to cool down when you can’t or don’t want to adjust the room temperature.
  • Sleep Rituals Can Help: Try to do the same things each evening before bed, including having a regular time to turn off the lights and get some shut-eye. Your body will key into the pattern and naturally fall asleep faster.
  • Control The Noise: White noise from a fan or white noise generator works wonders eliminating those little distracting sounds that can keep you wide awake in an otherwise perfectly quiet room. Ear plugs work much the same way.
  • Breathing Exercises, Meditation and Praying: Practice a simple meditation routine or breathing exercises as you lie down, clearing your mind and calming your body for bed. Expressing prayers of gratitude for the day works wonders as part of your sleep ritual.

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